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You know, looking at This Map I was suddenly reminded that I know almost nothing about what is going on in Mississippi politics!!

Fortunately, it was a good map and after a little searching I found the 2010 Mississippi Races – and Joel Gill!

After reading his site and stances, he has my vote!  Greg Harper has been a sore disappointment in most cases.

I wrote Mr. Gill the following :

I was looking at your site, because I would love to vote against Greg Harper – or any Republican.  I am a Reform party guy, really, but am taking an “anything but a Republican” stance for now.

I like most of your stances and agree with enough for you to get my vote.  However;

“The vast majority of wealth in our country is in the hands of the middle class.” 

– is just plain wrong.  The top 20% of the wealthiest control 90% of the entire wealth of the United States.  Right now, the Middle Class have an ever shrinking share of the wealth.

On Illegal Immigration, I am torn.  Illegals are here now.  Tracking them down and getting them out would be a rough and expensive job.  I would like to see Amnesty for those (and their immediate family) who come forward, speak English and have a good job.  I believe that it would ease the task of finding other illegals that are a burden on the system.

On Taxes, I agree with a total re-do on the system.  One item that bothers me currently is the prefferential treatment of “UnEarned Income” over “Earned Income” – this unfairly shifts the burden to people who work for their money.  (I did notice you would favor taxing salary and interest income.) Not sure about cutting off the no-tax at minimum wage – a guy gets a 10 cent raise and it is more than removed by new taxes.  Should be a wage window that is tax-free and a pahse up to the full percentage, I think.  Until all Income is taxed equally, there will be no tax justice.  I am also torn about Property Taxes and Inheritence Taxes.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Congress representing me! 

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