By Oaken Barb Environment,Politics Yes, the Cold weather is Caused by Global Warming

Yes, the Cold weather is Caused by Global Warming

“Its chilly in July in Mississippi – so much for Global Warming.”  Duh-Huh-Huh…

Yes, the unusually chilly temps in Mississippi and Chicago, etc ARE caused by Global Warming, ya idjits.  The North Pole now has a Lake!!  That is a BAD THING. Sea Levels could rise, drowning coastal cities and island nations.  Crops fail, risking a movie popcorn shortage! Weird weather messes with bird migration and fish spawning and may threaten maple syrup production!!  You’re risking the Pancake Breakfast!!!

…scientists, eyeing the fourth year in a row of exceptionally harsh
late-winter weather in parts of Europe and North America, suggest
warming is precisely the problem.

In a complex tango between ocean and atmosphere, warming is causing icy polar air to be displaced southwards, they contend.

linkage is becoming clearer and clearer, I think, although the science
has not yet been settled,” said Dim Coumou of the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK) near Berlin.  – from Weather Underground

And :

 Frigid temperatures like these are sometimes used to refute the idea
that the planet as a whole is getting warmer with each passing year.
That’s just not so, say NASA scientists, who point out that even on a
warming planet, bitterly cold temperatures and harsh winter weather will
still be possible and even commonplace.

One of the reasons they can coexist is a phenomenon known as Arctic Oscillation,
a phrase used to describe the interaction of the jet stream and Arctic
air during the winter. It can cause unseasonably cold air masses to
sweep over what are normally temperate latitudes, NASA reports, making for unusually cold and severe winter weather across many parts of the U.S. – from

you can deny climate change, make your stupid jokes and refuse to join
reality until you die, leaving this planet a time bomb so your children
can suffer – or you can wake up, educate yourself and try to leave the
world in better shape than you found it.

Expect Extreme weather, even extreme cold, due to Global Warming.  Try to comprehend what is happening.

I’ve said it
before and I’ll repeat : Global warming doesn’t mean it will never be
cold anywhere ever again.  Some may think that it is too complex for
simple minds, but no, its really not – I refuse to believe people are that stupid.

one year or one particular spell of weather will never alone prove or
disprove what is happening to the climate.
Even as man-made greenhouse
gases exert a consistent pressure on the climate, trapping more heat
close to the surface of our planet, surface temperatures from year to
year will fluctuate depending on the naturally variable forces at work
around the globe. In the early 1990s, the mass of sulfates blasted into
the atmosphere by the eruption of the Mt. Pinatubo volcano reflected
sunlight and counteracted much of the man-made warming effect for
several years. In 1998 El Nino combined with the man-made effect to give
us one of the warmest years ever.

Allowing for this variability, global warming theory does not posit a
linear, year-to-year increase in temperatures. Nor does it say that
harsh winter weather will simply end. What it does say is that
increasing concentrations of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane,
with unchecked growth, will contribute a greater and greater warming
influence on the world’s climate.

“The bottom line is this: there is no global cooling tr end,” Hansen
wrote in his 2009 temperature analysis. “For the time being, until
humanity brings its greenhouse gas emissions under control, we can
expect each decade to be warmer than the preceding one.”

Now – Take this Quiz. I’ll give you one :

A 2011 survey by the British government found that extreme weather can negatively impact the range of what?

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