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A book with PayBAK

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So, I wrote a little book. It is written for young people, just starting out or about to begin their journey into the working world. It could even be for High School freshmen. The book is written for those who may not have the right influences at home, those stuck in generational poverty or bad decisions, those who may not have any parental type influences at all.

It covers things like getting a good job, transportation, finances, health, being a generally good person, etc.

Apparently, it is also controversial to read – Florida would probably ban it! So, read it while you can!

I have a passage in the book about privileges and facing challenges:

Recognizing your own privileges is a significant step toward fostering empathy and fairness in society. Being sensitive to the advantages you possess can lead to actions that help level the playing field for those who lack the same advantages. I have some privileges by appearing white, some from being tall, male and straight.  I have some challenges from being pagan, having long hair and being tall, but a bit chubby.  We all have privileges and we all face challenges. Using your privilege, especially those you fought hard to get, to support those less fortunate when possible can contribute to a more equitable and compassionate world. It’s important to foster a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of all members of our diverse and interconnected society.

Escaping Poverty, chapter 8

I’m not sure about you, but some people find me being myself and honest about it, ‘controversial.’
The Conversation: (Sorry, I left the text untouched except a correction they made to “not” and a relationship reference, the rest is as was sent)

  • “I liked your book , I was really impressed – I would recommend it to youth, other than you ventured into your pagan culture. Where that is a choice for you that you made I could not rightfully advise that to the youth of our society- had that chapter been left off – I think you could Market this openly for all people and it could even be used in schools”
  • Bobby Kearan: As my editor is a 92 year old catholic, and she didn’t mention anything being offensive,(and she mentioned a lot of things I changed), you may need to clarify what offended you.,
  • “Well maybe she made a mistake. That one line limits your reach to a majority of religions limiting your books potential and I am not saying that merely from my own perspective. You were very unbiased with good information until you mentioned a controversial things that took your book away from its intended purpose- just my opinion- but again I could see your book having greater potential and being used in schools for ideal read had you stayed neutral your market and your reach could have been much greater. Otherwise kudos.”
  • Bobby Kearan: And what was the part that offended you?
  • “I will need to reread and let you know. However it was saying your pagan. I was skimming through the end of the book while at work. I can give a better analysis later when I have had time to really read it better. While I understand the context of your statement With intention of add personal adversity you personally have experienced- this actually place the book in context to belonging to a paganist – while that’s your choice, you actually limited your book from a majority of cultures and religions who would otherwise avoid that completely. It’s a controversial subject in an otherwise useful book that had been unbiased and neutral for all people up to that point.”

“People aren’t going to buy your book because you admit to being pagan.” Sheesh. I find it puzzling why the commenter is so easily offended by individuals who embrace their authenticity and refuse to conform to the commenter’s ideals. It must be challenging to harbor such toxic attitudes. It’s important to clarify that the book doesn’t endorse any specific religion; the mention of “Pagan” is simply a reference to myself, the author – and noted as a challenge I face in the world, which the commenter exemplifies perfectly – making it clear that I am not exaggerating. It appears that the controversial aspects of the book center around the simple directive of “Don’t be unkind to others.” The book also explores themes of accepting people as they are and staying true to oneself, while encouraging readers to maintain their faith, whatever it may be. Below is a paragraph from the book that may shed light on what the commenter finds contentious:

Respecting the autonomy and individuality of others is a fundamental principle of a harmonious society. When someone’s actions, beliefs, or practices neither harm nor obstruct you or anyone else, it is unjust to pass judgment or, worse, resort to bullying or ostracism. It’s essential to recognize that merely holding the belief that another person’s practices could potentially result in spiritual harm doesn’t constitute harm inflicted upon you or them. In essence, allow people the space to express their true selves, while you, too, have the freedom to be unapologetically yourself. Embracing diversity is a transformative endeavor, but if you find it challenging, at least practice tolerance, and seek your own path to joy and fulfillment.

Escaping Poverty, chapter 8

The disdain and animosity expressed by the commenter exemplifies the behavior these passages caution against. Why should personal beliefs prompt rejection of everything someone expresses? Refusing to engage with material simply because the author may not share your religious views seems counterproductive. “Don’t be unkind to others” should be a universally agreeable principle, regardless of how it’s articulated. Unfortunately, it appears the commenter’s perspective is tainted by negative attitudes towards those who differ in religion, sexuality, or politics. This mindset isn’t conducive to personal well-being or fostering positive relationships with others. While people who harbor such beliefs and behaviors deserve sympathy, it’s also necessary to keep them at a distance until their toxic attitudes and behaviors have actually changed, rather than simply being masked with saccharin sweetness.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

– Jesus, Matthew 7:12, The Bible

Crowley : [during Jesus’s crucifixion]  What has he said that made everyone so upset?
Aziraphale : Be kind to each other.
Crowley : Oh yeah. That’ll do it.

Good Omens

addendum… I so want to fix the grammar – apparently they skipped that part of the book as well… “your pagan” – my pagan what? Wait, do I have a pagan? *you’re pagan* OMG!!!


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