By Oaken Barb Politics Reveling the lies of “5 Rights Democrats Want To Take Away”

Reveling the lies of “5 Rights Democrats Want To Take Away”

Back a few posts, I challenged anyone to show me what rights Democrats want to take away… and someone made an embarrassingly feeble attempt to take up that challenge.  Well, not responding to my little blog, but … anyway:

Brian Carey wrote “Here Are 5 God-Given Rights That Democrats Want To Take Away From You” :

1. Democrats want to take away your gun rights
Surely you remember the post-Newtown hysteria, during which Democrats
came out of their shells as gun-grabbers. They wanted to deny millions
of law-abiding citizens their Second Amendment rights to keep and bear
arms as a reactionary measure in the wake of the Connecticut tragedy.
Fortunately, sanity prevailed. The gun control effort failed
in the Senate (to their credit, a few Democrats actually voted in favor
of freedom during that episode) and, as a result of the hysteria, gun purchases soared.

Okay, one, owning a gun is not a right given by any god.  Its not in the bible, koran or any religious texts that I can think of. Second, it is a bold faced lie.  Restricting ownership of high-capacity assault rifles – which is in line with the “Well Regulated” part of the 2nd Amendment – does not equate with “gun grabbing” nor taking away all your guns.  So that one is total bullshit.  “They’re coming to take yer guns” is a marketing ploy by gun manufacturers to sell more, increase their profits and screw over the public.

2. Democrats want to take away your freedom of commerce
The fact that Democrats want to take away your freedom of commerce
can be proven with one word: ObamaCare. ObamaCare, as you may know,
mandates that people purchase health insurance. What that means is this:
because you were born an American citizen, the Democrats are forcing
you to buy a service. We can safely say that the Democrats are forcing
you to do this because no Republicans voted for ObamaCare.

Again, no religious texts suggest you are free to shop anywhere or buy anything you want – in fact, there are lots of ‘you can’t buy that’ kind of religious decrees – such as the bible stating that wearing a mix of two fabrics is a sin. (so, wearing that poly cotton blend means you’re going to hell.)  This one also falls apart based on the fact that Republicans came up with the idea, supported the idea, promoted the idea and, in one state, implemented the idea before Obama offered to use it as a compromise.  Also of note, you can choose to pay the tax penalty instead, so the choice is yours.  You can also choose which insurance company, which plan and which level of deductible.

“With regards to the individual mandate, the individual responsibility
program that I proposed, I was very pleased that the compromise between
the two houses includes the personal responsibility mandate. That is
essential for bringing the health care costs down for everyone and
getting everyone the health insurance they need,” Romney says [ in a 2006 video ].

Basically, “Obamacare” is forcing deadbeats to contribute to their own health care and not leave actually responsible people on the hook because they can’t pay their hospital bill in a timely manner – and the GOP claims to be the party of personal responsibility! HA!!  The GOP would prefer you to be totally dependent on insurance companies and allow them to charge you anything, deny anything or just cancel your policy if you dare to try use it!

3. Democrats even want to give people permission to take your life
Democrats have been fighting awfully hard for abortion rights lately. There are true heroes
in various state legislatures that have been working hard to protect
human life. They have been met with opposition – from Democrats.
Democrats think that a woman should be able to legally terminate her
pregnancy without restrictions. This is tantamount to infanticide in
many cases. Even the current Democratic President voted to allow doctors to kill babies that survive a botched abortion.

Yeah, total bullshit here.  The TRUTH of it is that Republicans want to dictate a woman’s or couple’s reproductive choices.  Heck, they want to dictate what you can and can not do in the privacy of your own bedroom with another consenting adult! I doubt you could find any Democrat that agrees with the “without restriction” part of that load of crap.  Also, no fertilized egg or unborn baby can be reading this, so, no, the only ones wanting to give people permission to take your life are the GOP, who openly support ‘stand your ground’ laws and allowing certain people to shoot other people at any time for any reason without penalty and the liberal application of the Death Penalty – even when significant doubt exists in the case.

It seems the “Conservatives” are using one of the oldest tricks in the book – accuse your opponents of doing exactly what you are trying to secretly do.

4. Democrats want to take away your religious freedom
The fact that Democrats want to take away your freedom of religion
can be proven with one word: ObamaCare. ObamaCare not only has an
individual mandate, it also has an employer mandate. That employer
mandate requires that employers provide health insurance to their
employees. This health insurance must cover various forms of birth
control, a mandate that some Catholic employers find absolutely
unacceptable. Fortunately, the Catholics enjoyed a recent victory
in this fight. However, that doesn’t change the fact that Democrats
view the laws of the state above the laws of God, and that’s a good
reason why nobody should vote Democrat.

Oh! That is rich!! The people who want to decree that their religion’s version of ‘creation’ be taught in public school, that their religion’s prayer be enforced in public schools, that their religious ‘morals’ be enforced on everyone in our nation, are claiming to protect the religious freedom of ALL?  No, they want a Christian Nation, ruled by Christian (Sharia) Law.  Guess what, GOPhers?  Not every United States Citizen is a Christian!!  Democrats are actually protecting the separation of church and state as written in our Constitution.  The Republicans are all for destroying our constitution and re-making it in their own sick, twisted image.  That is a good reason why nobody should ever vote Republican!

5. Democrats want to take away your freedom of employment
Recent, Governor Rick Snyder in Michigan signed a “right-to-work”
bill into law. The law prevents companies from forcing people into
unions as a condition of employment. Who opposed such a common-sense
piece of legislation? Democrats, of course.
They don’t want you to have the freedom to choose whether or not you’ll
join a union. They want you to be required to join a union. That
doesn’t sound like freedom, does it?

ROFLOL!!!  “Right-to-Work” is a total bullshit title for legislation that actually provides all employers the “Right-to-Fire” for any or no reason at all.  It strips workers of any power or bargaining position. Sadly, many workers buy the corporate spewed rhetoric hook, line and sinker.  Companies don’t want Unions – they want slave workers, which Unions prevent.  So, NO, it doesn’t prevent a Company from having unions, it prevents workers at that company from having any leverage with which to ensure their safety, their jobs, their benefits and a reasonable salary.

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